LeBron James declares Hillary Clinton has the 'brightest future in the world' – shortly after the FBI announces that she is off the hook

LeBron James urged fans to get out and vote for Hillary Clinton, becoming the latest celebrity to campaign for the Democrat in the final days before the election.

The MVP stepped on stage with the candidate in Cleveland, Ohio, on Sunday and told the crowd the former first lady has 'the brightest future in the world'.

The Cleveland Cavalier spoke just moments after FBI Director James Comey revealed he would be dropping the investigation into Clinton's emails.

King James was joined by teammate JR Smith, and his daughter Demi, in front of cheering supporters in Ohio - a battleground state which sway the election either way. 

'This woman right here has the brightest future in the world,' James told a cheering crowd of about 4,000 who packed into Severance Hall, home to the Cleveland Orchestra.

'We have to get out and make sure we vote,' James told the crowd. 

In her own remarks, Clinton made no mention of the FBI Director James Comey's stunning letter to Congress that but bureau had not 'changed our conclusions' after taking another look at Clinton emails. 

The letter essentially announced that the bureau would not be doing any more with its closed email investigation – after a bombshell letter Friday that revealed new emails and shook up the race – even coinciding with a drop for Clinton in the polls.
Instead, Clinton praised James for his charity work and the inspiration he provides to kids.

'They may not all become champion basketball players but everyone should have the right to go as far as their hard work and talent take them,' Clinton said. 
'The number one main reason I'm here is because of Hillary and what she believes in,' James said, as he relayed stories from his own childhood.

'I was one of those kids and I was around a community that was like 'our vote doesn't matter,'', James said. 'But it really does. It really, really does. We have to get out and make sure we vote … we have to get out and be knowledgeable about what's going on.'

Clinton also plugged a concert she held in Cleveland a few days ago with Beyonce and Jay Z.
She noted that they 'talked about what this election means to their daughter and all of our daughters and sons.' 

Clinton said she was 'so grateful to them as well as to LeBron, because this election really is about the future.

James brought with him top Cleveland defender JR Smith, who got called for six technical fouls last year and has had other on-court problems. He also got a suspension in the 2014-2014 for punching player Jae Crowder in the face. 

But with James vouching for her, Clinton was eager to embrace Smith. 
'I can't tell you how excited it is for me to have LeBron and JR part of the team that is going to take us to the White House,' Clinton said.

The latest polls in Ohio show the race essentially tied.

A new CBS News/YouGov survey shows Trump with a 1-point advantage over Clinton, with the mogul leading her 46 to 45 per cent. Libertarian Gary Johnson is at 3 percent and Green Party hopeful Jill Stein gets 2 percent. 

Another in the  Columbus Dispatch is saying the presidential race is too close to call in the Buckeye State, with Clinton earning 48 percent to Trump's 47 percent. 
Clinton's campaign spokeswoman briefly commented on the latest bombshell development en route to Cleveland, but then immediately found something else she'd rather be talking about.

She told reporters traveling with the candidate that 'we have seen Director Comey's letter' to Congress.

'We are glad to see that he has … confirmed the conclusions that he reached in July,' Palmieri said in curt remarks.

Comey wrote Congress this weekend, saying, 'Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.'

In July, although he chose not to spell it out, Comey did not recommend that Clinton be charged with a crime in connection with her email scandal – advice that effectively ended the matter because Attorney General Loretta Lynch had said she wold take his recommendation. 

Then, after Palmieri briefly commented on the breaking news, she immediately pivoted to a more welcome topic. 

'I have one other thing to tell you, that we are adding a guest to our rally tomorrow night in Philadelphia' – Springsteen.

At that point, she turned away from reporters who gathered to listen her inside the cabin of Clinton's campaign plane. 

Clinton's Monday night event in Philadelphia features President Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, along with President Bill Clinton.

Clinton has been holding a series of concerts to try to drive up voter turnout, with Katy Perry, Beyonce, Jay Z, Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, and James Taylor joining her on the trail. 

Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon added on Twitter: 'We were always confident nothing would cause the July decision to be revisited. Now Director Comey has confirmed it.'

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